August 12, 2018


This morning we will be looking at the book of Haggai! Haggai was called as a prophet to encourage Israel as they were rebuilding their lives after being exiled in Babylon. He emphasized that way Israel’s lives would begin to prosper, would not be through focusing on self (like they were currently doing), but rather on the Lord. Haggai stresses that it is *always* the right time to center our lives around the Lord. The glorious house that Haggai prophesied about, and stirred the lethargic people to begin to build, is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ and His church. We can be assured that Christ’s presence is with us and that His glorious Spirit is in us. Even if our lives don’t look spectacular, Haggai, along with his buddy Zechariah, teach us to not despise the day of small beginnings! Join us!